Lucidity Team

WHS legislation: Understanding the ramifications of noncompliance

Maintaining compliance with industry standards and regulations has always been an important...

What's driving the future of WHS technology?

Traditionally, Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) has been seen as a reactive exercise due to...

Practising what you preach: How leaders can improve safety culture

When you think of workplace health and safety (WHS), you might first imagine industries that use...

Comprehensive guide to the HSEQ audit

Cowritten with our Partners Solve Safety 

When it comes to managing health, safety, environment and...

Who is responsible for WHS in the workplace

Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) is a critical component of every organisation in Australia. No...

Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace

#Burnout # emotionalexhaustion #fatigue #languishing 

Why is WHS important in the workplace? | Lucidity Software

Whether you’re in construction, mining, manufacturing or healthcare, all industries know the value...

Importance of Workplace Inductions

An efficient and thorough employee and contractor induction process is an essential exercise for...

How to identify hazards & risks in the workplace with a risk matrix

During 2019-2020, Australians had 120,355 serious claims made to Safe Work Australia resulting in...

Introducing SiteConnect - Our Latest HSEQ Product

In December 2021, SiteSoft International and Lucidity Software merged via acquisition.