News & Latest Articles

Welcome to Lucidity's HSEQ industry news and resources. Everything HSEQ and more!

Supporting Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace

#Burnout # emotionalexhaustion #fatigue #languishing 

Why is WHS important in the workplace? | Lucidity Software

Whether you’re in construction, mining, manufacturing or healthcare, all industries know the value...

Importance of Workplace Inductions

An efficient and thorough employee and contractor induction process is an essential exercise for...

How to identify hazards & risks in the workplace with a risk matrix

During 2019-2020, Australians had 120,355 serious claims made to Safe Work Australia resulting in...

Introducing SiteConnect - Our Latest HSEQ Product

In December 2021, SiteSoft International and Lucidity Software merged via acquisition. 

2021 National Return to Work Survey Report Findings

Every two years, Safe Work Australia conducts and releases the National Return to Work Survey. The...

Managing Return to Work in the “COVID-Normal” World.

A quick guide on using Lucidity to manage Return to Work in the COVID-NORMAL world.

Welcome to...

Meet the team: Greg, Stefan, Maddie, Alex & John

Lucidity Software has gone through a significant period of growth over the past 12 months.


What is Critical Control Management and why is it important?

As a business in a high-risk industry, proactive Risk Management is a crucial element of overall...

National Safe Work Month. Think Safe. Work Safe. Be Safe.

In October each year, Safe Work Australia promotes National Safe Work Month. This initiative asks...