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New Lucidity Feature: Organisational Structure Filtering by Object

Actions are common across a number of modules in the system, discoverable via a ‘My Actions’ and...

Send to CEO #9: Show me the ROI

For most organisations, all business decisions come back to one central deciding factor.

Send to CEO #8: Insuring Cost Savings

When senior business executives consider implementing an HSEQ system, next to safety, there is one...

Send to CEO #7: To centralise or not to centralise

Ever since CEOs started managing companies they have been faced with decisions around...

Send To CEO #6: Championing Mental Health

What is your most costly safety issue facing businesses at the moment? Compensation? Business...

The true impact of health & safety

Health & safety professionals have one central focus. Ensuring that workers remain safe...

Send to CEO #5: Connecting Remote Employees with Head Office

For those of us who are used to working in head offices and behind a computer, living through...

Powering the future with HSEQ

The energy industry is on the brink of a major transformation. As we look forward to what it’s...

Send to CEO #4: Connecting decision makers

In a lot of businesses, there is a significant gap between those members of the workforce who...

Uniting with Data

Safety is the first of Downer’s four Pillars, and Zero Harm is embedded in the company’s DNA.
