Release Notes
We're constantly improving our software and companion app with new releases to help simplify your organisation's HSEQ processes. Giving you access to crucial HSEQ intelligence to make better business decisions.
Lucidity | Mobile App | Onsite Module
Recent Releases
Lucidity Desktop
Release 18.15.0
Release date: 28/02/2025
Lucidity Desktop - InForm - Team Review and Sign Off Release
Version 18.15
Team Review and Sign Off Workflow in InForm makes it quick and easy to create and share form records with your workforce and track that they’ve reviewed the form and signed off.
The workforce can quickly and easily review forms and documents and sign off via web and mobile.
Form administrators can create any number of templates and enable this review and sign off functionality per template. This flexibility means the review and sign off functionality is available for a range of use cases from recording who attended tool box talks, to reviewing and signing off pre start risk assessments.
Once completed the templates can be used to generate forms that are in turn filled out and shared with the workforce for review and sign off.
Form owners can either share a QR code with the workforce, or can add assign actions to workers, or groups of workers so they can track who has reviewed and signed off the form.
The workforce can scan a QR code to access the form, review and sign it off via the Ideagen Lucidity mobile app, or via the web browser.
Once all the required workers have reviewed and signed the form it can be marked as complete by the form owner. This ends the review process and prevents any additional workers signing off on the form. This is important to ensure that people are not undermining the process by attempting to sign on to previously completed projects at a later date.
Forms in review status that have been signed off remain available to view in the Lucidity mobile app so workers can check the contents of a form they’ve previously signed off at any time to refresh their memory of the details.
There are a number of common use cases this review and sign off functionality supports:
Pre start risks assessments for high risk construction work.
Customer organisations undertaking high risk construction work need to complete a risk assessment and provide detail of the work being undertaken, the risks, and controls that are in place to mitigate those risks. They also need to include any relevant Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS). they are required to provide the assessment people undertaking the work for review and sign off.
Once complete the person responsible now has an quick easy way to create and share the assessment, a way to manage who is assigned to review it and an easy means to view the form details and the list of workers who have completed review and sign off. This includes their full names, the date and their digital signatures.
Toolbox Talks
When a toolbox talk is held a record needs to be kept of what was discussed and the attendees. With the new Team Review and Sign Off functionality it’s now simple and easy to manage this process. The person responsible can easily share the form via QR code, or assign actions to review and sign off the form and they can open the form record to see all the people who attended. This includes their full names, the date and their digital signatures.
Release 18.11.0
Release date: 11/11/2024
- OnSite – Visitor Management via the OnSite module is now available. Each area within OnSite can be configured to allow visitor access. Visitor Management can be configured to meet the needs of the organisation and the site it’s being enabled for. Once enabled visitors can quickly and easily sign in and out of an area via the Lucidity OnSite Kiosk App.
Configuration options include:
- Turning on, or off access for visitors per area.
- Enabling visitors to search for the person they’re visiting.
- Requiring visitors to acknowledge and agree to conditions of entry.
- Enabling email notifications to be sent to a person being visited.
- OnSite – Visitor Management via the OnSite module is now available. Each area within OnSite can be configured to allow visitor access. Visitor Management can be configured to meet the needs of the organisation and the site it’s being enabled for. Once enabled visitors can quickly and easily sign in and out of an area via the Lucidity OnSite Kiosk App.
Release 18.9.0
Release date: 29/10/2024
Asset -An action can now be created in relation to a specific asset. This can assist in setting and tracking actions in relation to assets such as maintenance.
Release 18.8.0
Release date: 24/10/2024
Incident - Improved the precision of BAC readings for drug and alcohol incidents from 2 decimal places to 3.
Risk - Fixed an issue that occurred when accepting changes to master risks.
HR - Fixed an issue where previously if a payroll number associated with a user was deleted it could not be reused.
Release 18.7.0
Release date: 03/10/2024
- Enabling an Inform record to open after scanning a QR code and pre-populating the asset field to make it quicker and easier to complete forms accurately
Competency/Induction - Improved the user experience to make it easier to tell if a course is complete, or incomplete So people can see at a glance whether they've finished a course or not.
Competency/Induction - Improved how SCORM files are handled in Learning and Training.
Contractor Management - When a contractor updates an already approved document the status changes to pending requiring re-approval. This can prevent contractors accessing sites they should have access to. To ensure this situation does not occur we've restricted contractors from editing approved documents. If they need to update a document, they now submit a new one ensuring their existing approved one remains valid.
Competency/Induction - When using SCORM files generated using Captivate in some cases when a course was finished the "completed" status of the course was not being sent and received correctly.
Incident - In some cases when printing a PDF the injury diagram was not displaying correctly.
Release 18.4.0
Release date: 06/08/2024
- Ideagen product UI rebrand and style update
Release 18.3.0
Release date: 08/07/2024
HR - All users in HR now have their “HR Access Card” enabled by default. This removes the need to manually turn on access for each user and reduces the amount of work for administrators who want users to be able to use the OnSite module to access sites.
- Inform - In some cases when printing a form the conditional form elements were included when they were empty and not required. This has been corrected so now only conditional form elements that are required are printed. This has improved the readability and quality of the printed forms.
Release 18.0
Release date: 16/05/2024
- The entire Lucidity Web Application PHP code base and library components have been upgraded. This significant upgrade has improved page load time across the application and enhanced the overall security of the application.
- The entire Lucidity Web Application PHP code base and library components have been upgraded. This significant upgrade has improved page load time across the application and enhanced the overall security of the application.
Release 17.63.0
Release date: 06/02/2024
- Competency - Fixes an issue where in some cases the department column was missing from reports.
- HR - Fixed an issue where in some cases where the access of users to HR Employment Periods and Reviews was not working correctly.
- Risk - Fixed an issue that occurred when editing the "Undetermined" option in the "Control Effectiveness" managed list in Risk Settings.
Release 17.62.0
Release date: 10/01/2024
- Inform - Inline comments are now available in the Lucidity web and mobile apps.
These comments can be set to display conditionally by an administrator when creating an Inform form record. For e.g. the inline comment can be set to display if a person selects yes, but not to display if they select no.
The administrator can also set whether the comment is required, or optional.
Inline comments are available for most field types.
- Inform - Fixed an issue where, in some cases, when viewing a list of Public forms, the score was displayed incorrectly for each form record in the list.
- Competency - Fixed an issue where, in some cases, the Training Matrix was not displaying column data for a particular column.
- Inform - Inline comments are now available in the Lucidity web and mobile apps.
Release 17.61.0
Release date: 12/12/2023
Access Module
- Two-factor authentication (2FA) via email for Lucidity user accounts is now available. This is a major improvement to the security of Lucidity accounts.
- Once 2FA is enabled when a user logs in they will be asked to retrieve a verification code that's been emailed to them. They are then required to enter the code and providing it's valid and correct they will be signed in.
- Users have the option to check the ‘remember me’ check box so that they only have to enter the verification code every 14, 30, or 60 days. The number of days can be configured in the Access Module.
- 2FA can be enabled and the remember me number of days can be configured via the new 'Security' page in the Access Module.
- Incident module - When adding or editing a witness the 'Other Details" field has up until now been restricting the number of characters that can be entered to 245 characters. This limit has now been removed so text of any length can be added into the 'Other Details' field.
Release 17.59.0
Release date: 15/09/2023
- Inform Module - Fixed an issue when viewing Inform tables that in some cases resulted in values being calculated incorrectly.
- Inform Module - Fixed an issue where in some cases asset fields in Inform records were not displaying when in review mode.
- Lucidity App - Fixed an issue where file links were not loading.
- Password Expiry - Fixed an issue with the password expiry feature.
Release 17.58.0
Release date: 15/08/2023
The HR Module now has additional columns available under column configuration for "Employment Periods". These additional columns include Termination Reason and Exit Interviewer. These columns can be exported in Excel format for reporting.
Critical Risk Management
Critical control management has been added to Lucidity's risk management capability enabling customers to manage all aspects of Critical Risk Management.
- Controls can now be marked as critical or standard.
- A hierarchy of control can be applied to controls.
- Controls can be categorised to indicate if they're Preventative or Mitigating.
- Controls can be grouped and organised by type so that it's easier to find and locate controls when applying them to risks.
- Overall there is a more structured approach to how data is entered and managed by users for Risks and Risk Controls.
- Admins are now able to manage risk and control properties by adding them to libraries.
- Centralising controls improves consistency when adding controls to risks and reduces duplication.
- Reporting on how risks are managed and the types of controls applied is improved.
Release 17.56.0
Release date: 30/07/2023
Inform Module - Added support for the new Lucidity Mobile App favourite forms feature.
- Competency Module - Fixed an issue where for some users an error occurred when viewing My Tickets within Competency.
- Competency Module - Fixed an issue where for some users “Needs” notifications were not triggering.
- Incident Module - Fixed an issue where in some cases responsible managers could not access incidents.
- Inform Module - Fixed an issue that occurred when a select dropdown contained a large amount of text that resulted in the text exceeding the available width.
- Inform Module - Fixed an issue where in some cases images were not loading.
- Fixed an issue where a timeout was occurring when generating large PDFs.
Release 17.55.0
Release date: 30/06/2023
Asset Maintenance Reminder Based on Usage
- Users can now set when Lucidity should indicate that an asset is getting close to requiring maintenance. Previously users could be notified based on the date, but now notifications can also be set based on the usage of the asset. Simply enter the percentage of the next maintenance interval in the Asset Maintenance Schedule.
- For example, if maintenance is required every 10,000 km set the percentage to 5% to get a reminder when the asset is 500km from requiring maintenance.
Inform Dropdown Lists Are Now Sortable
- Users can now create a dropdown list for a form and choose to sort the items in the list in a range of ways.
- For example, the list could be sorted alphabetically or numerically. Including from A-Z, Z-A, Numbers high to low, or low to high. If no sort is required, “None” can be selected, which means the dropdown list displays in the order the items were added.
- Fixed an issue where scheduled reports continued to send even though the user who set it up had been archived or deleted.
- Fixed an issue with form record review functionality where in some cases, a timeout was occurring, preventing the record from loading.
- Fixed an issue where in some cases, comments were duplicated while creating a new action.
- Fixed an issue that occurred in some cases when assigning actions via the Intranet module where the form template selected did not save.
Release 17.54.5
Release date: 29/05/2023
Fixed a bug where in some cases, the Incident Dashboard was not displaying any data for the Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) and Total Recordable Frequency Rate (TRFR) charts.
Fixed a bug where a server error occurred when attempting to access “My Details” in the HR module.
Release 17.54.4
Release date: 9/05/2023
Fixed a bug that occurred when exporting form records from the Inform module where answers were missing in the export.
Fixed a bug where in certain cases users could not delete rows from a form record when necessary.
Release: 17.54.3
Release date: 04/05/2023
Fixed a bug where users were receiving email notifications about expiring/expired induction course records that had previously been completed or were no longer part of their profile.
Fixed a bug where scheduled Inform email reports were not being sent to recipients due to the very large file sizes of those reports. This has now been resolved so that automated emails for all scheduled reports are sent to all recipients despite file size.
Release 17.53.0
Release date: 04/04/2023
- Fixed a bug that occurred when saving an asset usage reading which exceeds the threshold for when maintenance is due. When the usage reading exceeds the maintenance threshold then the “Next maintenance (usage)” should display in red, but in some cases the colour was displaying as green.
- Fixed a bug that occurred when exporting data that, in some cases, enabled the person exporting the data to view details they did not have the correct permission to access.
- Fixed a bug that occurred when saving an asset usage reading which exceeds the threshold for when maintenance is due. When the usage reading exceeds the maintenance threshold then the “Next maintenance (usage)” should display in red, but in some cases the colour was displaying as green.
Release: 17.52.1
Release date: 16/03/2023
- Fixed a bug that occurred when using the Competency module to view a list of people. In some cases the list of people did not load correctly, resulting in an incomplete list.
Release: 17.52.0
Release date: 15/03/2023
- Inform customers can now select an asset, enter the usage reading e.g. Number of kilometres and the asset usage reading for that asset will automatically update in the Asset module. This means no more double entry of usage readings for assets.
- Fixed a bug where in some cases when using Inform and filtering by project, or asset the “Bulk Change” option could not be applied to the filtered results.
- Speed improvements for form record indexing.
Release: 17.51.0
Release date: 02/03/2023
- For customers with custom branding, changes have been made that result in significant improvement in the speed of page loads across the whole application.
- Fixed a bug where in some cases particular contractor companies could not be assigned to an incident.
- Fixed a bug where a competency role was not auto-assigned when creating users via the Lucidity Public API.
- Fixed a bug where in some cases the Actionee section did not display the actionee’s name in the Print Only Report.
Release: 17.49.2
Release date: 30/01/2023
- Fixed "no further action" workflow incident report
- Fixed "no further action" workflow incident report
Release: 17.47.1
Release date: 14/12/2022
- Fixes for InForm template editing
- Fixes for InForm template editing
Release: 17.47.0
Release date: 08/12/2022
- New Risk feature to allow owner "casual" person selection
- Fixes to incident report filtering
- Timeout fixes
Release: 17.46.0
Release date: 23/11/2022
- Inform PDF imaging loading enhancements
Release: 17.44.0
Release date: 12/10/2022
- Onsite: Improved User Entry Requirements Check
- Fixed company selector on Induction user registration form
Release: 17.43.0
Release date: 19/09/2022
- Fixed Person multi selector
Recent Releases
Lucidity Mobile App
Release: 10.5.5
Release date: 28/02/2025
InForm - The workforce can quickly and easily review forms and documents and sign off via web and mobile using a QR code or by completing "Review & Sign Off" actions assigned to them.
- Review and sign off forms relating to pre start risk assessments, tool box talks and other scenarios relating to team sign on to high risk work.
- See forms that you need to review at a glance, or open forms you've previously reviewed and sign off.
- Filter forms to locate the specific forms relating to a project, specific form type, or group within your organisation.
Release: 10.4.6
Release date: 14/01/2025
- OnSite - Declaration messages can now contain links, images, video and rich text formatting enabling administrators and safety managers to provide safety information to workers when they tap in to a site.
Inform - In some cases the titles for form questions were not displaying within the available screen width.
Release: 10.4.4
Release date: 29/11/2024
- App now supports UK AWS Server infrastructure
Release: 10.3.8
Release date: 14/11/2024
- OnSite - When viewing the list of people currently tapped into a site/area you can see at a glance whether they are a visitor, employee, or contractor.
Upgrade of Titanium SDK to 12.5.1.GA
Release: 10.3.7
Release date: 04/11/2022
- InForm/Asset - QR Code generator to enable a QR code to be scanned annd have it open a form record pre-populated with relevant details such as the asset in a plant pre start.
- Induction - Improve Induction records search
- Induction - Display HR card on screen at course completion.
Release: 10.3.1
Release date: 08/11/2022
- Inform -Asset fields in forms can now be prepopulated via QR code.
- Multiple updates made to enhance data security.
- OnSite - In some cases part of the declaration message was not displaying.
- OnSite - In some cases archived and deleted users were able to tap in. They are now prevented from doing so.
- InForm - In some cases the table styling in the mobile app was not displaying correctly.
- InForm - In some cases the InForm scoring was not working correctly
Release: 10.2.0
Release date: 07/08/2024
- The mobile app has been updated to target Android 14
Release: 10.0.6
Release date: 25/07/2024
- The mobile app has been updated to use the Ideagen Lucidity branding and colours.
Release: 10.0.4
Release date: 27/06/2024
- Photos - When taking photos users can now capture and upload multiple photos at once via the mobile app.
- Inform - The “Add Photo” button is now greyed out when in offline mode. This prevents photos from being attached and then lost when offline. Once an internet connection is re-established the “Add Photo” button is re-enabled.
- Upgrade of the code base to use the latest Titanium SDK to 12.3.1.GA.
Release: 9.9.10
Release date: 29/04/2024
- Inform - In some cases, forms were showing as being "completed" when they were still "in progress."
- Inform - In some cases uploaded images were being automatically cropped for some customers meaning they couldn't see the whole image.
- Hazards - In very specific circumstances for some customers, an issue occurred where hazards were saved as "Closed" when they should have been set to "Draft" status.
Release: 9.9.0
Release date: 06/02/2024
- Upgrade Titanium SDK to 12.2.1.GA
- Inform - In some cases, forms were showing as being "completed" when they were still "in progress."
- Inform - In some cases uploaded images were being automatically cropped for some customers meaning they couldn't see the whole image.
- Hazards - In very specific circumstances for some customers, an issue occurred where hazards were saved as "Closed" when they should have been set to "Draft" status.
- Upgrade Titanium SDK to 12.2.1.GA
Release: 9.8.0
Release date: 21/12/2023
- Inline comments are now available in the Lucidity mobile app. These comments can be set to display conditionally by an administrator creating an Inform form record. For example, the inline comment can be set to display if a person selects yes, but not to display if they select no.
The administrator can also set if the comment is required, or optional.
Inline comments are available for most field types.
- An issue has been resolved that occurred in some cases when a user reconnected to Onsite and received an error message that couldn't be cleared.
- Inline comments are now available in the Lucidity mobile app. These comments can be set to display conditionally by an administrator creating an Inform form record. For example, the inline comment can be set to display if a person selects yes, but not to display if they select no.
Release: 9.7.1
Release date: 12/12/2023
- Two-factor authentication (2FA) via email for Lucidity user accounts is now available. This is a major improvement to the security of Lucidity accounts.
- Once 2FA is enabled when a user logs in they will be asked to retrieve a verification code that's been emailed to them. They are then required to enter the code and providing it's valid and correct they will be signed in.
- Users have the option to check the ‘remember me’ check box so that they only have to enter the verification code every 14, 30, or 60 days. The number of days can be configured in the Access Module.
Release: 9.4.3
Release date: 28/07/2023
- You can now mark the Inform form templates you use the most as favourites, so it's quicker and easier to find the form templates you want to use.
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Release: 9.3.6
Release date: 10/07/2023
- An improvement was made to the syncing of data between the Lucidity Mobile App and the Lucidity web servers. This prevents the risk of data loss when users are reinstalling the Lucidity Mobile App.
Release: 9.2.2
Release date: 11/04/2023
- The names of the “Quick Links” in the Lucidity Mobile App dashboard screen now use the customised labels as defined in the Lucidity dictionary. So if you’ve customised these “Quick Link” names in the web portal they’ll now be consistent throughout the mobile app.
Release: 9.2.0
Release date: 14/02/2023
- When using forms customers can now select an asset and enter the usage reading (e.g. Number of kilometres) and the asset usage reading for that asset will automatically update in the Asset module. This means no more double entry of usage readings for assets.
- Fixed a bug where in some cases, on Android devices the date picker was showing a different date than the one selected.
Release: 9.0.9
Release date: 14/02/2023
This latest update includes:
- Improved onsite workflow
Release: 9.0.7
Release date: 23/01/2022
This latest update includes:
- Minor improvements
Release: 9.0.2
Release date: 12/01/2022
This latest update includes:
- Fixed issue with multiple notification triggering
- Minor bug fixes
Release: 8.9.7
Release date: 07/11/2022
This latest update includes:
- Table elements are now conditionally selectable
- Minor keyboard UI update
- General Improvements
Release: 8.8.9
Release date: 07/11/2022
This latest update includes:
- Onsite managers can now view the Tapped-in User list and competency docs. (Minimum server version required 17.45.3)
Release: 8.8.5
Release date: 24/10/2022
This latest update includes:
- SSO login issue resolved
- Department now saves saving when creating an incident
Release: 8.8.2
Release date: 08/11/2022
This latest update includes:
- Improve onsite integration
- App improvements
Release: 8.7.8
Release date: 12/09/2022
This latest update includes:
- Extended OnSite functionality enabling managers to scan users in and out.
- Declaration confirmation available on OnSite scan-in.
Recent Releases
OnSite & OnSite Kiosk App
OnSite Kiosk Release: 1.1.1
Release date: 27/12/2024
- OnSite declaration message - Previously a declaration message displayed to a user was plain text and quite short in length, but now the new declaration message supports rich text.
- Links, images, formatted text and video can all be included in the message. So if workers are required to read, or watch a safety briefing, or they need to open links to documents, or view images relating to the work site such as an evacuation assembly point these can be included in the message displayed.
OnSite Kiosk Release: 1.1.0
Release date: 11/11/2024
- The OnSite Kiosk app now includes visitor management capability. This enables visitors to enter in their details to sign in and out of sites.
- Visitors can quickly and easily enter their name, company, email and phone number to enter and exit sites.
- Visitors can easily search for the person they’re visiting.
- Visitors can be required to acknowledge and agree to conditions of entry.
- When a visitor searches and selects a person they’re visiting that person will receive an email notification.
- If the visitor can’t find the person they’re looking for the area manager receives an email notification.
- When exiting visitors enter their name and mobile to sign themselves out.
OnSite Kiosk Release: 1.0.10
Release date: 08/08/2024
- The OnSite Kiosk app has been updated to target Android 14 (API level 34)
OnSite Kiosk Release: 1.0.9
Release date: 02/08/2024
- Fixed issue where in some cases users signing in via Single Sign On (SSO) were unable to proceed past the sign in screen.
OnSite Kiosk Release: 1.08
Release date: 26/07/2024
- The OnSite Kiosk app has been updated to use the Ideagen Lucidity branding and colours.
- The OnSite Kiosk app has been updated to use the Ideagen Lucidity branding and colours.
OnSite Kiosk Release: 1.07
Release date: 04/06/2024
- Two-factor authentication (2FA) via email for Lucidity user accounts is now available when logging into the OnSite Kiosk App.
OnSite Kiosk Release: 1.06
Release date: 0/05/2024
- The Lucidity OnSite Kiosk app enables workers to enter and exit sites by scanning a QR code.
- It doesn’t require NFC cards or any Lucidity hardware.
- The app is designed to run on iPads and Android tablet devices and can be downloaded from the Google Play and Apple Store.
- It enables workers to easily enter and exit sites via a fixed point Kiosk that scans QR codes.
- It assists organisations with compliance by setting up declaration messages that workers must acknowledge before entering the site and records their responses.
- The app has been designed with remote sites in mind, after setting the Kiosk App up it doesn’t require a constant internet connection.
Release: 2.9.2
Release date: 07/05/2021
- Developed ability to connect external card reader using USB mode
Release: 2.8.9
Release date: 08/04/2021
- Enabled ability to scan cards using the native NFC option inbuilt into the phone
Release: 2.8.5
Release date: 14/01/2021
- Updated API calls during data syncing
- Update inArea values while syncing
Release: 2.8.4
Release date: 08/12/2020
- New save button added in settings menu
- Half hourly refresh of area name
- UI Enhancements
Release: 2.8.0
Release date: 31/07/2020
- Added card holder's name to successful tab screen
- UI enhancements for text wrapping
Release: 2.7.6
Release date: 11/03/2020
- Increase Bluetooth transmission to 4dBm
- UI enhancements
- Refocus app when app reloads
Release: 2.7.5
Release date: 27/02/2020
- Show error on NFC card read fail
- Improve Bluetooth connection time
Release: 2.7.4
Release date: 16/12/2019
- Support for AVIC devices
Release: 2.7.3
Release date: 01/10/2019
- Support for ACR1311 NFC card reader
Release: 2.7.2
Release date: 17/07/2019
- Add pagination functionality
Release: 17.42.0
Release date: 15/08/2022
- Updates to PDF thumbnail generation
- Onsite in/out - declaration message, remote tap in, rejection notification
- Enhancements to Asset - "next maintenance" accessibility
- New permission to allow a manager to check in an onsite user
- Dictionary values applied for payroll number and date of birth fields
Release: 17.41.0
Release date: 01/10/2022
- Added new fields to risk controls
- Remove risk matrix from non-conformance report
- Updated "report type" selector when creating a report
Release: 17.39.0
Release date: 12/07/2022
- New Asset Usage history and usage-based Maintenance schedules have been added
- Asset admin update to include 'created' and 'updated' information fields
Release: 17.38.0
Release date: 26/07/2022
- Added Competency Level column to Capabilities export
- Allow form administrators to see all form groups
- Correctly map organisation values at the onsite logs page
- Efficiency of Inform FormVersion improvements have been made
Release: 17.37.1
Release date: 06/06/2022
- Updated search box in Incident Regulatory Notification list to search on important fields
Release: 17.36.0
Release date: 10/05/2022
- New Incident Injury Widget: Days Since Last Injury
Release: 17.35.0
Release date: 22/06/2022
- Access roles management optimisation
- Fixed approve button on Manage page appearance logic on all incident reports
- Fixed duplicate notification triggers
Release: 17.34.0
Release date: 12 APRIL 2022
- Risk jurisdiction and risk categories are now editable
- Prevent the Competency role from being deleted if set as "default"
Release: 17.33.0
Release date: 30 MARCH 2022
- Implemented version history in the Risk module
- Update Inform list view when deleting a record
Release: 17.32.2
Release date: 14 MARCH 2022
- Public API updated so users can be filtered via profile id's
- "Manual logout" column value in Onsite has been updated
- Fixes to Scope exports
Release: 17.32.1
Release date: 01 MARCH 2022
- Comments field added to the Intranet Action widgets
Release: 17.32.0
Release date: 18 FEBRUARY 2022
- Empty due dates now rendering correctly
- Performance Improvements made to the Incident Dashboard Widgets and mandatory date fields now pre-populate
Release: 17.31.0
Release date: 19 JANUARY 2021
- New feature enabling users to customise field attributes to suit their business processes
- Feature to ensure controlled risk matrix values are no more significant than their uncontrolled counterparts
- Improve performance of the Projects API endpoint
- Dropdown element minor bug has been fixed
- Dashboard widget improvements to prevent timeout
Release: 17.30.0
Release date: 19 JANUARY 2022
- Reduced amount of available capability levels for competency records
- Update to only apply default competency roles on account creation
Release: 17.29.0
Release date: 21 December 2021
- New expandable 'more information' blocks are available under field labels
- Administrators now have more functionality when assigning and reporting critical Risk Controls
- Department classification for contractors is now available
- Inform - a date completed filter has been added
- Location field label customisation
- Bulk download PDF table
Release: 17.28.0
Release date: 07 DECEMBER 2021
- Improve Induction Course replacement generation process
- Ensure HR records honour user scoping configuration
Release: 17.27.0
Release date: 11 NOVEMBER 2021
- Fixed user role identification
Release: 17.26.0
Release date: 10 NOVEMBER 2021
- Master Risk: added ID reference that is searchable and configurable in the column
- Remote Tap on: New functionality Administrators/site Managers able to remote tap in users via the web interface
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Inform notification links
- Ensure "Remove Division" feature applies to all action pages
Release: 17.25.0
Release date: August 2021
- Extended Public API Users endpoints
- Return to Work - expiry notification templates
- Inform - "name" field now mandatory when creating a new form template
Bug Fixes
- Form element UI fixes
Release: 17.22.0
Release date: 30 August 2021
- New Asset endpoints added to Public API
Release: 17.21.0
Release date: 16 August 2021
- Lucidity Contractor: Fine-tuning to Contractor Document placeholder generation
- Lucidity Incident: Addition of Non-Conformance Behaviour in the Audit function
- Fixes to multi-sub item reordering
- Fixes to profile/role assignment
Release: 17.20.0
Release date: 2 August 2021
- Lucidity Incident - A free text field has been added for "Employee Reporting"
- Lucidity InForm - The ABN field has been added to company data source search
Release: 17.19.0
Release date: 19 July 2021
- Fix to allow user to re-trigger a failed upload
Release: 17.18.0
Release date: 7 July 2021
- Fixed office multi-select for 5 tier organisational structure feature
- Fixed inconsistencies in the Incident module's Print Report Only
Release: 17.17.0
Release date: 29 June 2021
- Speed enhancements made for the Lucidity App
- Fixed issue related to Email Reporting for Actions
- Updated status logic when copying an InForm record
Release: 17.16.1
Release date: 28 June 2021
- Fixed bugs in Email Report filter for Action list pages
- Fixed status when copying an Inform record
Release: 17.15.3
Release date: 18 June 2021
- Added feature to provide the option of extending the expiry time for attachment links
Release: 17.15.2
Release date: 9 June 2021
- Fix for clearing of previously entered values when adding a new capability to a role
- Fix for 'My forms' heading alignment in Intranet
Release: 17.15.0
Release date: 3 June 2021
- Fix for Incident category display in list view and Excel exports
- Fix for Queued Master Risk review
- Fix for 0% score not displaying in InForm lists
- Fix for Induction course record completion counts
Release: 17.14.2
Release date: 25 May 2021
- Fix to contractor document auto-generation
- Fix to role completion matrix report
- Improvements to OnSite entry/exit event handling
Release: 17.14.1
Release date: 17 May 2021
- Fix for uploading additional attachments to a record
Release: 17.14.0
Release date: 17 May 2021
- Fix unwanted side-effects of feature 'Make Residential Address Details mandatory in HR'
- Fix for Location filter in All Actions list page in Incident
- Fix for deletion of copied notification types
Release: 17.13.1
Release date: 7 May 2021
- Fix for InForm form saving process
Release: 17.13.0
Release date: 6 May 2021
- Introduction of Competency Codes
Release: 17.12.1
Release date: 4 May 2021
- New 5x5 transposed risk matrix feature
- New feature to show labels for the Likelihood and Consequence scales
- User card layout tweaks
Release: 17.12.0
Release date: 30 April 2021
- Added Verified by managed list in Competency
- Hide office when using "Hide Org Structure" privilege
- Renamed hazard label to avoid dictionary issue
- Fixes to zip downloading
- Fixes to profile assignment timeout for a large number of users
- Ensure changes to a Form's Form Groups take effect immediately
Release: 17.11.0
Release date: 22 April 2021
- New feature for making Description field mandatory in Asset Maintenance
- Styling enhancements for HR User cards
- New privilege to Allow Onsite administrators to override Contractor exit times
- New feature to use a 6x6 Risk Matrix
- Handle special characters in headers in custom Column Configuration
- Fixes/improvements to the generation of Induction Records behind the scenes
- Increase the number of Users that can appear in the list available in dropdown lists in the App
- Remove archived users from Competency 'edit role' page
- Prevent sorting Competency Records by 'expiry status' which would lead to an error being display
Release: 17.10.0
Release date: 11 April 2021
- New feature allowing printing of a User card
- Fixed rendering of department in Incident pdf
- Fixes for profile saving
- Fixes for competency need generation
Release: 17.9.0
Release date: 3 April 2021
- Fixes to required contractor classification document generation
Release: 17.8.0
Release date:29 March 2021
- Fixed role scoping assigned upon user creation
Release: 17.7.0
Release date: 17 March 2021
- Fixes to info box link handling within a form record/template
Release: 17.6.0
Release date: 11 March 2021
- Implement a max-count of popover Actions
- Added ability to download competency training records receipt in contractor employee page
- Update Form Record status after a child Inline Action is deleted
- Fix InForm info box link issues
Release: 17.5.1
Release date: 4 March 2021
- New feature to allow PDF uploads in Public Form records
Release: 17.4.0
Release date: 27 February 2021
- New feature allowing the creation of actions as a field within InForm records
- Added new Regulatory Notification fields
- Fixes to InForm Record saving when sent from Lucidity App
Release: 17.3.1
Release date: 25 February 2021
- New Incident features to hide fields
- Fixes to role completion matrix report export
Release: 17.2.2
Release date: 15 February 2021
- Added 'My Training' tab label to dictionary
- Minor fix to conditional functionality
- Asset child/parent relationship fixes
- Required form record loading fixes
Release: 17.1.0
Release date: 22 January 2021
- Fixes to form saving within the mobile app
Release: 16.12.0
Release date: 15 January 2021
- Tool tips introduced to Business Builder software
Release: 16.11.3
Release date: 15 January 2021
- Updated the User Profile description to include link
- Fixes when saving default module
- Drag drop fix for inline photos
- Fixes for user profile selector
Release: 16.11.2
Release date: 11 January 2021
- Fix issue preventing IE users from using pop-up lists
Release: 16.11.1
Release date: 18 December 2020
- Inline images
- UI updates for InForm Form Admin page
- Form builder enhancements
- Make Form Record URL and various other URL labels dictionary configurable
- PDF checkbox styling enhancements
- Prevent deletion of Form Groups that contain Forms
Release: 16.9.1
Release date: 11 December 2020
- Competency and InForm dictionary updates
- Added InForm Record URL to column configuration
- Fixed need generation process within Competency
- Fixed issue whereby Company Documents may not be available
- Fixed issue when sorting by HR Record URL
- Fixed editing of InForm records when template is archived
Release: 16.7.0
Release date: 24 November 2020
- Increase speed of InForm record saving
Release: 16.6.0
Release date: 20 November 2020
- Add Subcontractor and Casual options when editing a notification
- OnSite: Ensure Company Document status is accounted for when granting access to area
- Competency: Fixed an issue whereby capabilities don't populate
Release: 16.5.2
Release date: 7 November 2020
- Enable project to be set on Public Forms
- Enhancements to 'Intranet Action Attachment' handling
- Form Admin: Disallow duplication in grids
- Form Admin: View fixes
- Fix to prevent duplicate Action/Record being created
- Fix to prevent loss of form elements in template
- Functional enhancements to InForm Signature element 'Clear' button
- Fix validation error when adding ticket in Competency
Release: 16.4.0
Release date: 29 October 2020
- Fix for showing correct closeout manager
- Display fixes for User lists within Access
- Fixes for converted users being shown incorrect course progress
- InForm signature fixes
- InForm element options saving fixes
Release: 16.0.0
Release date: 19 September 2020
- Introduction of Public InForm - the ability for InForm records to be completed by users without a Lucidity account through scanning a QR code or visiting a URL
- Integration of actions functions and InForm allowing users to create actions while completing an InForm record
- Updated the cancel redirect URL for Induction Login users
- Ensure Bulk Update and Export Matrix buttons when not required in Competency
- Fix for form record column configuration issue
- Fix for need creation for active records on person conversion in Induction
- Fix for copying form records
- Remove 'Add New' button from Form Record view in Asset
Release: 16.3.0
Release date: 15 October 2020
- Home org unit scoping fixes
- Read only org unit field fixes
Release: 16.2.1
Release date: 11 October 2020
- Allow admins to make 'Text' and 'Paragraph' elements read-only if populating from a data source
- Added Configure Columns button to My Actions 'list' pages
- Fix Contractor 'hide section' permissions
- Fix 'Action InForm integration' list renderings with 'Display Action From All Modules' enabled
Release: 16.2.0
Release date: 4 October 2020
- Public InForm Fixes
Release: 16.1.0
Release date: 28 September 2020
- Fixed redirector when sending the user to a default module with insufficient privileges
Release: 15.44.0
Release date: 8 September 2020
- Added 'second project manager' field to project
- Disable sorting for Person > Role Titles
- Fixed 'Updated At' timestamp against InForm Form Records
- Fixed 'zip' file downloading
Release: 15.43.0
Release date: 2 September 2020
- Extended the mandatory organisational structure in InForm to cover subpages
- Competency: Fixed error message in Record/Needs
Release: 15.42.0
Release date: 28 August 2020
- Display company name in excel export for Contractor company list page
- In-browser PDF viewer now utilised in Induction and Competency courses
- Simplification to the login process and introduction of a default module
- Fixes to signature display in review/PDF print modes
Release: 15.41.0
Release date: 24 August 2020
- Fix the 'Use 'code' in office organisational structure' feature in Access
Release: 15.40.0
Release date: 24 August 2020
- New text field in NCRs within Incident
Release: 15.39.0
Release date: 20 August 2020
- UI improvements made to the column configuration pages
- Add contractor document notes to column configuration
- New addition of department to bulk changes within InForm
- Remove bulk update in training history page
- Competency: Fix record page redirect issue
- Fixed approval form element selection
- Fixed approval form element's date issue
Release: 15.38.0
Release date: 10 August 2020
- Addition of Hazard types to Incident column configuration
- Allow the Division, Business Unit and Location selectors and filters to show in Contractor/Company Document list and manage views
- Data source fix
Release: 15.37.0
Release date: 7 August 2020
- Extended 'Enabled Office' feature within the Contractor section of Contractor and the Injury section of Return to Work (RTW)
- Viewing Intranet dashboard items
- Fixed dates on action creation
- Reset 'date closed' value to empty when reopening an action in Incident
Release: 15.36.0
Release date: 3 August 2020
- New improvement to support searching by form record ID within InForm
- Fixes for conditional question functionality
- Fixes for InForm Approver element
- Added icon to Injury delete button in Incident
- Fixes for viewing employee contractor
Release: 15.35.0
Release date: 30 July 2020
- New integration abilities for Asset & InForm connecting InForm records to the relevant asset
- Fixes to InForm form element copy functionality
- Fixes to InForm number element to allow '0' value
- Fixes to Induction course records reissue generation
Release: 15.33.0
Release date: 23 July 2020
- Add headings to company lists and Add & Edit views in Induction
- New ability to search by Project Name and Code
- Updated text for OnSite when access is denied
- OnSite archive area
- Improved searching capabilities in InForm
- Fixes to contractor company edits
- Create and edit privilege conflict in InForm
- Fixes to role & form groups
- Fixes to the 'Last comment' value on the Manage Incident Audit page
Release: 15.32.0
Release date: 14 July 2020
- Managed list field to be multi-selectable in Risk and Master Risk manage pages
- Make risk register title searchable
- Addition of a new approval form element
- Extend character limit on Risk Scores to 30, update styling to Risk list views and dashboard widgets
- Fix the incorrect validation message when editing a company in Induction
Release: 15.31.0
Release date: 3 July 2020
- Add/Edit Risk Register: Allow users to select multiple Risk Templates at the same time
- Add Incident audit inspections view privileges
- New feature to display respondent email addresses in InForm record PDF
- Fixed Archived User field display
- Fixed Induction and Competency record date list filters
- Fixed incorrect records numbers in InForm widgets
- Competency: Fixed Training History records (List & Excel exports)
Release: 15.30.0
Release date: 23 June 2020
- Correction of eLearning notifications
- Removed username/password auto-fill for Induction account creation
Release: 15.29.0
Release date: 19 June 2020
- Add new field to Risk and Master Risk: Free Text Field 2
- Add office to InForm action
- Fixed saving of empty datasources
- Fixed InForm View All button
Release: 15.28.0
Release date: 6 June 2020
- Updates to the interface to configure notifications
- Ability to add a respondent to an InForm PDF
- Create features for new Risk free-text field and a new Managed List in Risk
- Updates to form group scoping on save
- Fixed Incident report closing issue
Release: 15.27.0
Release date: 1 June 2020
- Fixed issue when copying induction courses
- Competency: Fixed 'Created By' in records column configuration
- Fixed user scoping upon deletion of organisation entity
Release: 15.26.1
Release date: 29 May 2020
- Allows VSDX file types to be uploaded
- Added new dictionary entries for the long versions of Controlled & Uncontrolled Risk Scores
Release: 15.26.0
Release date: 26 May 2020
- Need Matrix 'Roles Title' column configuration fixes
Release: 15.25.0
Release date: 21 May 2020
- Streamlined the management of notification recipients
- Added company headings to dictionary
- Added the ability to print Audits and Meetings within Incident
Release: 15.24.1
Release date: 12 May 2020
- Fixed HR account creation
- Fixed behaviour of filter selections in InForm
Release: 15.24.0
Release date: 11 May 2020
- Update for feature detail view of action attachments
- Updates to the Needs Matrix
- Feature to show consequence/likelihood heading on risk matrix
Release: 15.23.0
Release date: 7 May 2020
- Update use of the Site Dictionary for Employee, Subcontractor and Casual roles
- Fixed Induction Course Group to User associations when saving Courses and Groups
- InForm: Remove sorting functionality from Indentifier field
Release: 15.22.0
Release date: 29 April 2020
- New ability to add company name to search field in InForm
- Updates to Incident dictionary
- New ability to print employee lists
- Capability enhancements within Competency
- Action tags can now be used in search results
- Various notification fixes
- Updates to Capability training matrix to respect filters when exporting
- PDF fixes
- InForm role saving
- InForm mandatory scoping fixes
- InForm Copy and View fixes
Release: 15.21.0
Release date: 16 April 2020
- New role permissions for Intranet users
- New user scoping capabilities in Induction
- New Asset properties
- Fix for saving wrong date format of action due date
- Quote rendering in Incident Action list
- Queued master risk column configuration
- Info Box Styling
Release: 15.20.0
Release date: 5 April 2020
- Add 'date reported' option to column configuration
- Print attachments for improvement
- Greater password protection with strong password enhancements
- Introduction of new 'modified at' data for InForm records
- Ability to print action attachments in Incident
- Fixes for asset subtype column configuration
- Incident: Fixes for deleting Audits/Inspection/Reviews
- Interface fixes for photo uploads in Asset & HR
- Fixes to action saving
- Fixes to user saving
Release: 15.19.0
Release date: 23 March 2020
- Updates to the Asset Maintenance date filter
- Ability to relabel Contractor filters
- Improve efficiency of InForm Record searches
- Remove 'draft' status from InForm Action popover
- Fix duplicate username error in HR
- Add validation for adding causal analysis
- User creation fixes
Release: 15.18.0
Release date: 12 March 2020
- New ability to include 'Competency Level' within column configuration for Training History
- Incident Action status default to Open
- Fixes to dictionary value saving
- Fixes to action retrieval within App
Release: 15.17.0
Release date: 5 March 2020
- Add required checkbox to geolocation in InForm records
- InForm role form group scoping
- Fixed form template Draft status
- Fixed InForm Action notifications
Release: 15.16.0
Release date: 2 March 2020
- Updated searching functionality in drop-down fields
- New ability to make 'Project' field on an asset mandatory in Asset
- InForm action total columns enhancements
- Added attachments into Complaint PDFs within Incident
- Filter Label updates for Asset
- Enhancements to Asset permissions
Release: 15.15.0
Release date: 26 February 2020
- HR Photo Label updates
- Asset: Invoke save on Maintenance button click
- Change to locked account filter - label updated and moved to dictionary
- Fixes to InForm record saving from app
- Contractor company fixes
- Fixes to Management System searching
- Fixes to button disabling when sending test emails
- Show Employee/Person in datasource when manager is archived
Release: 15.14.1
Release date: 14 February 2020
- New feature to hide archived records from data source
- Fixes to InForm response sync
- Improve intranet persmission collection efficiency
- Fixes to user account scoping display
- InForm: Fixes Action column counts
- Fixes to displaying all Actions
Release: 15.14.0
Release date: 12 February 2020
- Added dedicated column configuration page for competency Training History
- Remove archived assets from datasources
- App Quick Link Features
- Added the ability to search by first name and last name for employees within Contractor
- Ability to print attachments for hazard records
- Add Action count columns and filters to InForm records
- Fixes for intermittent form template saving error
- Fixes to edit links for contractors in Competency
- Induction/Company scoping fix
- Fixes for form element saving
Release: 15.12.0
Release date: 31 January 2020
- Add extra Address details to comany datasource
- Fixes to Action saving on the Lucidity App
- Fixes to blank selector filters
- Fixes for copying Induction courses
Release: 15.11.0
Release date: 28 January 2020
- Increased the size of Asset Description field
Release: 15.10.0
Release date: 23 January 2020
- Include 'updated on' data for risks registers
- Added new company scoping features for Induction
- Hide assets headings in InForm Print PDF when not required
- Login redirect fix
- Fixes for PDF page break format issues
- InForm list loaded fixes
Release: 15.9.0
Release date: 14 January 2020
- Included new items in Competency Record column configuration
- Incident: Addition of new statuses for cost implication
- Updated notification labels
- Fixes for margins on PDF printing (image & text)
- Fixes for company status filter in Contractor
- Incident: Fixes for immediate sorting of Injury Reports
Release: 15.8.1
Release date: 6 January 2020
- Remove the mandatory field message on notification list
Release: 15.8.0
Release date: 3 January 2020
- New Risk category features
- Close Incident Validation
- Fixes to duplicate notifications upon action creation
- Fixes to Incident status updating
- Remove archived column from document types
Release: 15.7.0
Release date: 20 December 2019
- New email reporting queues
- Fixed display values in Person list
- Automated job scheduling repeat time fixes
Release: 15.6.9
Release date: 18 December 2019
- Display geolocation details in excel
- Fixes for username validation
Release: 15.6.8
Release date: 16 December 2019
- New feature to print attachments captured in a non-conformance PDF
- Fixes for Reference IDs in automated emails
Release: 15.6.7
Release date: 10 December 2019
- Disabled drag and drop for 'info' field type
- Fixes for attachment saving
- Fixes for sending action notifications
- Fixes for InForm checkboxes
Release: 15.6.6
Release date: 5 December 2019
- Fixes for second conditionally applied mandatory drop down field
Release: 15.6.5
Release date: 2 December 2019
- Fixes for converted user column configuration in Induction
Release: 15.6.4
Release date: 29 November 2019
- Fixes for InForm bulk change and filtering
Release: 15.6.3
Release date: 28 November 2019
- Added filter to remove company person from employee list
- Fixes for 'Save & New' button
- Fixes for Home Organisation unit tiering
- Fixes to display missing 'Convert user' link in Induction
Release: 15.6.1
Release date: 25 November 2019
- Fixes to list columns
- Fixes to Close, Ok & Add buttons in Intranet
Release: 15.6.0
Release date: 21 November 2019
- Fixes to OnSite sync speed
- Update to InForm/Asset mapping
Release: 15.5.3
Release date: 15 November 2019
- Extra fields added in HR column configuration options
- Fix for widget date grouping, italicizing or archived users and 'Full name' list sorting within HR
Release: 15.5.2
Release date: 13 November 2019
- Fixes for cancel action on form templates
Release: 15.5.0
Release date: 12 November 2019
- New ability to make comments mandatory when closing an action
- InForm/Asset integration allowing you to link specific forms to asset records, keeping all your relevant asset data in one central place
- Fix for bulk change error and image popover
Release: 15.4.1
Release date: 8 November 2019
- Fixes for widget permissions
Release: 15.4.0
Release date: 7 November 2019
- Fixes for image popover and competency username/DOB login
Lucidity App
Release: 8.6.2
Release date: 14/07/2022
This latest update includes:
- UI improvements
- Fix multiple onsite tap-in issue
- Number element with range limit check
Release: 8.4.8
Release date: 23/05/2022
This latest update includes:
- Improved app sync
Release: 8.4.5
Release date: 11/05/2022
This latest update includes:
- Public QRs require logins if the app has not been authenticated
- Quick update user permission for App on manual or auto-refresh
Release: 8.3.4
Release date:
This latest update includes:
- Fixes for Action disappearing from conditional element
- Action attachment preview improvement
Release: 8.2.8
Release date:
This latest update includes:
- Fixes for Action disappearing from conditional element
- Action attachment preview improvement
Release: 8.2.0
This latest update includes:
- Improved the Inline photo attachment process
Release: 8.1.8
Release date: 26 JANUARY 2022
This latest update includes:
- Fixes for public links to open when the user is logged out
Release: 8.1.4
This latest update includes:
- Conditionally answered questions will reset values on a toggle
- Changes to the date/time picker interface for iPad
Release: 8.1.1
This latest update includes:
- Update to dropdown selectors in list view
Release: 8.1.0
This latest update includes:
- Framework update
Release: 8.0.5
This latest update includes:
- User Interface improvements
- Required status fixed for Inline photos and actions for info element
- Bug fixes for incident page
Release: 8.0.1
Release date: 26 OCTOBER 2021
This latest update includes:
- Authentication support for Lucidity web content when following links
- Updated date and time selectors
Release: 7.9.4
Release date: SEPTEMBER 2021
This latest update includes:
- Fix issue with text not being saved on Add Row button press
Release: 7.9.1
Release date: 22 SEPTEMBER 2021
This latest update includes:
- Minor updates to geo-location and conditional element handling for very long form records
Release: 7.8.2
Release date: 16 August 2021
This latest update includes:
- Framework Titanium SDK update to 9.3.1 (Only available on Android)
- Updated methods to address underlying APIs for SDK
- Minor Bug fixes
Release: 7.7.5
Release date: 26 July 2021
This latest update includes:
- Ability to add new Inform Form Submit functionality
Release: 7.7.0
Release date: 12 July 2021
This latest update includes:
- Improved App sync responsiveness
- Minor bug fix (Inform)
Release: 7.6.1
Release date: 8 June 2021
This latest update includes:
- Minor bug fixes
Release: 7.6.0
Release date: 6 June 2021
This latest update includes:
- Addition of a progress bar while form fields load for a better user experience
- Improvements to the form loading speed
- Updates to how text field/text area/info box load
- Offline syncing efficiency improvements
Release: 7.4.8
Release date: 21 April 2021
This latest update includes:
- Speed improvements when saving attachments to InForm records
- Improvements to the scrolling of lists
- Easily view PDFs in the image gallery
- Support for Microsoft Edge when logging in with Single Sign On
Release: 7.4.2
Release date: 16 March 2021
This latest update includes:
- Inline Actions
- View image links in Info Boxes
- Updates to syncing of closed actions when offline
Release: 7.3.0
Release date: 22 February 2021
This latest update includes:
- Changes to the organisational structure on desktop are reflected immediately on the App
- New Actions Feature: Make a due date and description read only
- New Actions Feature: Removal of reassign button
Release: 7.2.3
Release date: 28 January 2021
This latest update includes:
- Improvements to the saving of Form Records
- Broader keyboard character acceptance
Release: 7.2.2
Release date: 23 December 2020
This latest update includes:
- Capture even better data by adding photos into your digital forms with the new inline photo function in InForm. As opposed to just being captured in the attachments section of forms, users can now add photos into select form elements (Information Boxes, Paragraphs & Text Boxes) to create more detailed records.
Release: 7.2.2
Release date: 23 December 2020
This latest update includes:
- Capture even better data by adding photos into your digital forms with the new inline photo function in InForm. As opposed to just being captured in the attachments section of forms, users can now add photos into select form elements (Information Boxes, Paragraphs & Text Boxes) to create more detailed records.
Release: 7.1.5
Release date: 23 November 2020
This latest update includes:
- Updates to Action syncing logic
- Optimised App save requests for faster response
- User interface updates for syncing messages
Release: 7.1.1
Release date: 10 November 2020
This latest update includes:
- Where an action has a form that is requred to be completed, the form will display within the action and can be accessed by opening the action within the Lucidity App and following the link
- Organisational structure can now be made mandatory
- User interface updates for actions and attachments
- Standardised fonts are used throughout questions
Release: 7.0.3
Release date: 19 October 2020
This latest update includes:
- Improved datasource selection with text boxes and paragraphs now able to be read only
- Samsung S20's gallery viewing improvements (Android only)
Release: 7.0.1
Release date: 28 September 2020
This latest update includes:
- Improved attachments functionality
- Conditional forms performance improvements
Release: 7.0.0
Release date: 7 September 2020
This latest update includes:
- New interface design to improve the usability of the app
- Support for 'done' and 'return' on iOS keyboard for easier data entry
- Improvements across all data entry field for easier form completion and navigation
- Menu icons and navigation improved for a better user experience
- Geolocation interface and mandatory selection option updated
Release: 2.7.0
Release date: 22 May 2019
- Improved performance on tablet devices
Release: 2.6.9
Release date: 28 December 2018
- OnSite device restart at 5am
- Update UI (turnstiles and gates) for access message to be displayed on main screen
- Performance improvement ("waiting for other card")
- Bug fix: UI (offline mode)
Release: 2.6.7
Release date: 9 November 2018
- Refresh interval set to 30 mins
Release: 2.6.6
Release date: 5 November 2018
- Update to power management (toggle)
- Update consumption of user data payload
- Nightly refresh of all user data
- Extend user update interval
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